
  • Ejercicio

En este intento has obtenido


Instrucciones: Responde las siguientes preguntas.

  • Identifique en cuáles oraciones se utiliza el tiempo verbal del presente simple.

    1. You have never seen ghosts
    2. I never get up before 10 am
    3. You can come back tonight
    4. She does yoga on weekends
  • Complete el siguiente fragmento de manera correcta.

    Nowadays, the teacher _______ in a big apartment. She _______ three cats and two dogs.

  • Complete el siguiente fragmento de manera correcta.

    We _______ the new superheroes movie, since we _______ it on TV last Saturday night.

  • De acuerdo con el siguiente menú, ¿qué paquetes incluyen comida vegetariana exclusivamente?

    Name It includes
    1. Super special Starter: vegetables salad
    Main course: roast beef & smashed potatoes
    Drink: a soda
    Dessert: fruit salad & cream
    2. It skill hungry Starter: lentils soup
    Main course: a soy hamburger & (french) fries
    Drink: orange juice
    Dessert: lemon pie
    3. Fast saucer Starter: vegetables soup
    Main course: grilled chicken & salad
    Drink: mineral water
    Dessert: ice cream
    4. Eat rich Starter: beans on toast
    Main course: onion pizza
    Drink: iced tea
    Dessert: chocolate cake
  • Identifique en qué oraciones se menciona una habilidad.

    1. Can you read that sign from this distance?
    2. Most of the students enjoyed the movie
    3. Don’t forget to phone your mother at 10
    4. I am not able to give you what you need